God Will Not Let You Be Defeated

"He will not let you be defeated.
He who guards you never sleeps.
He who guards Israel, never rests or sleeps.
The Lord guards you."
(Psalm 121: 3,4)

Eyes blurred, legs cramped, chest gone weak, and breathing became heavier. You are unable to get up. Fallen down, unable to bear the pain. Unable to accept the disappointment and digest the loss. Feeling that you are on the verge of being defeated. But don't quit! God will not let you be defeated. The Lord guards you.

Falls and failures teach us a lot. Everything around us vanish for a moment. We stand there amongst all odds and obstacles, barriers and walls that hold us back from reaching the victory line. We learn that we are going through something that people may laugh at, comment on and blame us for the tragedy. We reach a point where we think that we have lost our credibility. We realize that nobody is going to trust us on this matter and depend on us after this miserable fall. Even the ones who had the slightest hope in us would slowly lose it. And at that moment our heart sinks and we begin to fear whether we are going to be defeated in the battles of life.

But in the middle of all these calamities, there is a promise. And that is what we have read above. We may stumble, fall, feel the fear of defeat arising in us, but we will never be defeated. We will stand up once again with God's hand holding us. His strength helps us to overcome all the negatives that keep us dragging behind and pushing downwards. 

Our Lord God, He never rests or sleeps, but watches over all of us and never leaves us alone. We not only know this out of our own wisdom, understanding and testimonies, but also through the ways in which Bible shows us that this promise has been proved time and again. God has been faithful to His word. He has been watching over us through the years and He will be the same all our life. 

Since we all are running our own race, there is no competition within us. God helps all of us to win our own race. He watches over all of us, so that none of us would be defeated. 

Just like an army that slowly keeps moving towards the battle ground, we approach each battle ground at various stages of our lives with hearts full of fear and doubts. We do not know how we would fight the battle. But let me remind you, that "the battle belongs to the Lord." He will never let you be defeated. God watches over you and leads you. Even when you fall down with pain without the strength to defend, His strength will be sufficient for you.

My dear friend, stand up once again with God's hand being your strength. The fears you have in facing your daily battles will fade away when you know, deep in your heart, that the Lord guards you. 

May God bless you.

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