Inviting Sinners

When Jesus heard them, he said, 
"It's not the healthy people who need a doctor, but the sick. 
Go and learn what this means: 'I want kindness more than I want animal sacrifices.' 
I did not come to invite good people but to invite sinners."
(Matthew 9: 12,13)

The world may keep them away, the church may hate them too, but God is interested in them; the sinners! Who are these sinners? It may be myself, you or the people around us. And God is interested in us. And that's the example God has shown us. Jesus lived a life of welcoming sinners and sending them back home as people who have tasted of holiness; the new life they found in him.

Throughout his mission on this earth, Jesus never kept away the sinners. He always went searching for them. He wanted to keep them next to him and change their lives. It was such a change that they would not even peep again into the darkness of sin. He invited them to share the table with him. Jesus wanted the sinners to sit next to him and listen to what he says. He wanted them to make friendship with him; a friendship that would change their life forever.

The two verses we have read above (Matthew 9:12,13) may be pretty shocking for someone who has only known the name of Jesus. But for someone who has tried and understood his lifestyle, this would be the greatest example! For someone who had understood church as a club where the holy ones gather, these particular verses may bring in a mighty surprise. But for those who knew that church is a hospital for sinners, this may be their foundation stone in their mission. The incident where Jesus says these words is an interesting one. The practical learning's taking place. Jesus is at work!

As we begin to read Matthew 9; 10 and as we continue, we encounter one of these challenging moments that Jesus faced. He is at Matthew's house, sharing the table with sinners and tax-collectors. And there's some hullabaloo around. Yes! The Pharisees who were always waiting to find some fault in Jesus, take this moment as a point of debate. And they discuss among themselves on Jesus's choice to have dinner with sinners! But surprisingly it's a huge "why not?" from Jesus. He understands the little increase of the general volume in the room and responds in an interesting way; and I love that punch line! Jesus says, "I did not come to invite good people but to invite sinners." Wow!

That's what exactly God wants from us. He wants us to extend our wide open arms to sinners. He asks us to follow his own style. Not just embracing sinners, but also to change their life. To show them the eternal joy of living a holy life; to help them try their level best to lead a holy and pure life. 

The work that we may be doing among the people who trying to lead a holy life may be easier, but the walk with sinners while guiding them towards forgiveness of sins and eternity may be difficult. We are called to take up that tough walk. To invite sinners into our fellowship. And that's when we are doing the exact thing that we are called to do.

I pray that God will give you the heart to empathize, the arms to embrace and the thoughts so occupied to love the sinners and show them the way; Jesus!

May God bless you.

Yours in Christ, 

Global Reach of 'Weekly Devotions with Ebenezer'

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