"Ebenezer!" Thus Far the Lord Has Helped Us.

Passage to read: 1 Samuel 7

Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. 
He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”
(1 Samuel 7: 12)

The time is around us for thanksgiving. A blessed season of Christmas is leading us into a new year. What a wonderful time for looking back at the path we've come through this year. What a beautiful weekend to look to God in silence, kneel before Him in solitude and privacy and thank Him for all that He had been to us throughout the year. Counting one by one the Lord's blessings which He had showered on us from time to time, let us come before Him and thank Him with a heart of gratitude. 

"Ebenezer!" Thus far the Lord has helped us. It is important that we must remember to thank the Lord as we pass by every milestone of our lives. And this weekend and the upcoming new year's day is indeed an important milestone for all of us - at least, it is a milestone for the annual calendar that we follow. And that is one of the lessons that we learn from the passage we have read for the day. Seldom that we remember to thank the Lord in important moments. We think it is all understood. We take moments by milestones for granted. But, don't you think that we make it a point to celebrate the birthdays of everyone? Why? Because on that day, we join together as family and friends to acknowledge that someone is passing another milestone of life. And we thank God for helping that person thus far. 

Samuel remembers to acknowledge what God had done to Israel. And he sets up a stone, names it Ebenezer (stone of help) and says, "Thus far the Lord has helped us." The Israelites, knowing that the Philistines are plotting to attack them, were in fear. When they heard that the Philistines are drawing near to them for a battle, they said to Samuel, “Do not stop crying out to the Lord our God for us, that he may rescue us from the hand of the Philistines.” (1 Samuel 7: 8). But more than the fear of Israel, the God in whom they trusted helped them in His own way. The Bible says, While Samuel was sacrificing the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to engage Israel in battle. But that day the Lord thundered with loud thunder against the Philistines and threw them into such a panic that they were routed before the Israelites. The men of Israel rushed out of Mizpah and pursued the Philistines, slaughtering them along the way to a point below Beth Kar. It was a miracle. God saved Israel on that day. God saved Israel's army on that day from the hands of the Philistines, not by the physical power of the soldiers of Israel, but by His miraculous power. Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”

Isn't that wonderful to see that heart of thankfulness and gratitude? Samuel took pains to set that stone as a symbol to what God had done to Israel. I wonder why Samuel couldn't just finish the thanksgiving with a word of thank you. Why did Samuel take great pains in setting up this stone, naming Ebenezer and then expresses His realization of what the Lord had done - “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” Samuel did it in a grand way. He made it a mark. He celebrated as He thanked the Lord. His celebration was a reminder for everyone around that they are also bound to thank the Lord for He had been that far with them. 

Today, as I share this last weekly devotion of this year 2019, I want to encourage you to find time within the next few days before the new year to spend with God, acknowledge and thank Him for what He had done this year for you. I have, personally, so many things to thank Him. It had been a year of roller-coaster rides for me. So many twists and turns, expectations, aspirations, dreams, hard work, failures, successes and many more. But through all these, the Lord's unchanging love and help were the same. His graceful presence never left me away. I know the same would be with you. You must be having so many reasons to thank the Lord. So, find the beautiful hours of thanks, remember the moments of the year one by one, and realize how wonderful God's guidance had been in your life and thank Him. I am assured that doing so will give you the strength to look forward to the new year. All your fears and worries about the challenges of the upcoming year would vanish, as you would feel strengthened as each of these moments of 2019 would stand as testimonies written on the stone. 

I pray that you will have a wonderful time of thanksgiving in your heart as you kneel before Him with tears of thanks. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit guide you towards a celebration of what God has done to you as you say “Thus far the Lord has helped me." May the same grace, presence and guidance lead you into the new year of blessings and confidence in the Lord our God.

Wish you a Happy New Year 2020!
May God bless you. 

Yours in Christ,

Here I Raise My Ebenezer
Come Thou Fount by Chris Tomlin

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