God of New Beginnings
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
(Isaiah 43: 18, 19)
Passage to read: Isaiah 43
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our life on earth could be a long journey. For some, it is comparatively shorter. But within this wonderful walk of faith, God has set so many new beginnings for us. Maybe, your present condition may look like there is going to be a definite end. Circumstances may look so negative. You may not find hope at the farthest endpoint. You have reached the point of finding the end of everything, washing your hands out of it and leaving with despair. But this message comes in search of you and I praise our Lord Jesus Christ for this assurance He is giving us today.
Shall we just spend a minute in reading how powerfully God is speaking to you right now? He is our God of New Beginnings. He reminds you of how great He is. He makes you realise that your present circumstances are not your last breath. He has a new thing for you. He has prepared a new way. And today our Lord is inviting you to trust Him.
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past." God, with so much of love and concern, with His arms, stretched out wide, invites you to forget the past that is troubling you. He wants you to come out of your past that still holds you back. He wants you to come out of the negativities of the gone by days so that you could see a new life He has prepared for you. So, come. Leave aside all that would trouble you from your past, from your memories, from your experiences and struggles. And just look unto His wonderful presence that would make you complete with a new beginning. And when you come into His presence with faith God shows you the new way.
"See, I am doing a new thing!" What a great assurance for all of us. God is, right now, doing a new thing in your life. I may not know, as I say this, how big that spectrum would be. But I know there are so many of us, with so many struggles and obstacles. But our Lord Jesus is making a way for you. He is preparing something amazing for you. He is, indeed. doing something new in your life. It is just that you have to sit patiently, calm down in His presence and see. See that He is making such a wonderful way for you. "Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?"
And look at that wonderful assurance that God promises you. Your situations may be in the worst conditions. An irrecoverable situation may exist. The present condition may look out of control. You may have been thought to be a wasteland; no use, no product out of you, so weak, so barren, so useless, so good-for-nothing in others view and even in your own opinion. But look what the Lord who created you promises - "I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." For you, for those around you and for the world, your present condition may be the hopeless ever. But the Lord assures you that nothing is impossible for Him. Our God is powerful enough to give you a better and new life out of the dirt and hopeless condition you are in. He will make a way in your life of wilderness and will make streams flow in you who was counted to be a wasteland.
Trust Him. Come to Him. He is doing a new thing in your life. Our loving Lord Jesus invites you to come into His presence of new life and to find in your faith the wonderful new beginnings he has in front of you. He is a God of New Beginnings!
I pray that today you will find the assurance of a new thing in your life, as you come into His mighty presence and give yourself as a new and empty person, forgetting all the past that holds you back.
May God bless you.
Yours in Christ,