'Encouragement' in Christian Ministry: a Reminder of Grace, Faith & Love in Christ Jesus


"I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service. Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus."
(1 Timothy 1: 12 - 14)

    Paul's letter to Timothy draws a few definite lines of sincere and careful Christian mentoring. This letter is not only a framework of strict Christian disciplines to be followed by a servant of Christ but also a reminder of the grace, faith and love that we find in Christ Jesus. Paul, while writing this sincere letter to Timothy, ensures that he expresses his words of encouragement through this grace, faith and love. In an era when Christian ministries are in need of encouragement in various phases of their growths, I find these definite points to be the best way to support and encourage someone in their commitment and work for the extension of people's knowledge of God's love and salvation.

    We struggle with our work. We stumble in our commitments. We drag a lot of burdens with us while we progress. And, after all, the amazing thing is, we continue to do what we are passionate about. One of the reasons, if we could look back on the growth of our ministries, we could understand that there were a few influential milestones. Most of these milestones were laid in our life of ministry by those who encouraged us. And we are certain, that the only encouragements that stayed in our hearts and spirit over the years are not the ones that appreciated and praised us but the ones that reminded us of who we are in Christ Jesus. It was not the praises and applause about our work that kept us moving but the few 'knock-on-the-head' encouragements that reminded us that it was not us who were doing it but the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. These were the words and thoughts of encouragement that reminded us, once again, that it is God's grace that makes us worthy of doing His ministry on this earth and no other credit we could hold on to. This is exactly what the Apostle Paul does in his writing to Timothy. 

    Paul gives prominence to the grace, faith and love that he found in Christ Jesus, and encourages Timothy to be reminded of them all the time. Paul, while introducing his purpose of this letter, creates a strong image that firmly keeps Christ Jesus as the axis of the ministry wheel. Paul says, "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service" ( 1 Timothy 1: 12).  Paul reminds Timothy that, first of all, his fountain of strength to do this ministry is Christ Jesus ("strength"). Next, he admits consciously that Christ has made him worthy by His grace and has given a work, trusting in Paul's character and self-discipline ("trustworthy"). Also, Paul is confident that it was no one else but Christ Jesus who has appointed him to this service ("appointed"). 

    By expressing these three important parts of his ministry, Paul reminds Timothy to be Christ-centered in his ministry too, because it was all about Christ Jesus and it was for Christ Jesus! This could be the best way to encourage someone in their ministry by reminding them to be Christ-centered in whatever they do. Our encouragement which is the reminder of Christ at the center should be the fuel for them to further themselves while being Christ-oriented, rather than praises and applause which may sometimes turn them away from the center of the ministry wheel. Even if we are going to be encouraged by our own selves, it is important that we say to our selves "I have Christ at the center of all that I am doing" rather than saying "I have all that I need to finish this work."  

    Surely the grace, faith and love that we find in Christ Jesus will never fade away as long as we keep Him at the center. It is also important that encouragements in Christian ministries remind the same. Grace, faith and love, together will take us further. These three strong pillars will make ministries grow! Paul does not forget to admit to Timothy what made Him be such a vigilant and vibrant worker for Christ Jesus. Paul says, "Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus" ( 1 Timothy 1: 14, 15).  Paul was always humbled by the abundant grace that was poured out on him, and he reminds Timothy also to be appreciative of this grace and cherish it as he continues to serve Christ Jesus. The faith and love that he found in Christ made him stronger to do the ministry for which he was appointed. 

    Let us remember to encourage one another in our ministries of Christ's love and grace. But as we encourage, let us remember to remind each other that it is nothing in us but the abundant grace of Christ Jesus that has placed us in this work, saw us to be trustworthy, and has appointed us. Let us encourage Christian ministries to be wheels that hold firmly to the axis, Christ Jesus. As long as our faith is in Him, His love is in abundance for us. Surely the ministries will grow when those involved filled with grace, faith and love that we find in Christ Jesus.

    May the blessings and power of God the Father, the love and grace of Christ Jesus, and the fellowship and presence of the Holy Spirit be with us and our ministries as we continue to encourage and remind each other of the grace, faith and love that we find in Christ Jesus. 

    May God bless you.

    Yours in Christ,

"Your Grace Finds Me..." by Matt Redman


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