The Decision to Repent

Passage to be read: Acts 19: 11-20

Many of the believers began to confess openly 
and tell all the evil things they had done. 
(Acts 19: 18)

              'Repentance' is a word that is frequently used amongst us. The meaning of the word, I perceive, is much more life changing and influential than we would ever imagine it to be. The best example for the above statement is, every single sinner who fell at the foot of the cross, begging for a life that is blessed and a blessing to many other. Not a single sinner who approached God's presence in repentance came back empty or unanswered; God accepts true repentance, and God saves those who turn to Him with genuine repentance and faith.

Repentance is a decision; a life changing decision. A deliberate attempt that has to be made by each of us, when we realise that we have not been in the way God had planned for us. This remorseful act, with sincere regret, leads us into a new life. A life that is free from the chains of sin, a powerful assurance with deliverance from the acts that make us fall into the dungeon of sin, time and again.

In the passage mentioned above, Acts 19: 11-20, we read about the incidents involving the the sons of Sceva. As Paul was progressing in the mission that God had given him, he meets this challenge of dealing with such people. The ones who were traveling around and making evil spirits go out of people, using the same name that Paul was using; the name of the Lord Jesus. Contemplating on the reasons why such groups would have existed, challenging the mission that's growing in its own mighty way, we are able to come to few conclusions. One of the most influential reason is their selfish ambitions and self-centered agendas. There would have been plenty.

Out of the situation that was around them, the seven sons of Sceva wanted to embark on a tour that would bring them individual recognition and gain. They used the same name of the Lord Jesus that Paul was using, and began venturing into a very serious business, where their personal ambitions and selfish agendas became important to them. They would have gained fame, respect, admiration and probably even wealth. Moreover, they also couldn't stand the test of their venture. Some or the other, during this attempt, they go through an utter loss, especially when they couldn't identify themselves with the name that they were using. The question (Acts 19: 15) and the strength (Acts 19: 16) with which they were challenged, brought their masks down, and the people around realised the true face of the trap within which they were all allured into. 

Now what is important about this incident is this. Acts 19: 17, 18 says, "All the people in Ephesus-Jews and Greeks- learned about this and were filled with fear and gave great honor to the Lord Jesus. Many of the believers began to confess openly and tell all the evil things they had done."

Two important points I would like to take from this incident.

The realisation of the true face of sin in our lives, brings great honor to the Lord Jesus Christ. We realise the ugliness of the dungeon into which we were living when we realise the weight of the mask that the sins in our lives have been showing us. When the reality is felt in our hearts, we begin to realise how great and patient God has been in our lives and we seek the Throne of Grace, who has been merciful this far, patiently waiting for us, until we realised the depth of the sins and the evil thoughts that have been ruining our lives. We run to Him, and He accepts us with His love.

We decide to repent. Out of all the selfish ambitions and the self-centered agendas that kept us gripping the sinful ways, we choose to run to the Lord our God. It is a life changing decision, indeed. The closer walk with God and the holy life that we wish to live seem more important to us than the mere selfish gains that would have been coming closer to us by the sinful life. Sin creeps in when our selfish ambitions gain more importance than the greater glory that God has promised us. So the decision to repent comes from the depth of our selves where God's way is given all the priority. 

Thus we see, repentance is a decision that we make, and this decision is a life changing one. 

My dear friend in Christ, I pray that God will help you with His power to learn at every step to sought His way as the best way for you. Whenever temptations surround, may you feel the presence of God near you, helping you to prioritise; a priority to live a holy life than to seek your individual selfish gains by the wrong way. 

Every time you decide to repent, you are deciding to give God the most important place in your life. And this decision to repent is life-changing and life-uplifting.

May God bless you.

Yours in Christ,

Global Reach of 'Weekly Devotions with Ebenezer'

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