God Will Lift You Up When the Right Time Comes

Passage to be read: 1 Peter 5: 1 - 11

"Be humble under God's powerful hand 
so he will lift you up when the right time comes."
(1 Peter 5: 6)

You have been waiting for so long; waiting to hear the great news. There are times when you became tired of waiting and you have decided not to think of it again. But moments of dreams and ambitions always remind us something; "wait on the Lord!" Ideas and initial thoughts that seem big and impossible remind us the same. Thoughts that are even beyond the human capabilities lead us to the belief "nothing is impossible to God." 

My dear friend, I stand with you today, if you are waiting on the Lord for the great things in life to happen. I know you are waiting for the Lord to lift you up. You have heard enough comments and you have even started hating to talk to someone about future. It could be your higher studies, your job, your marriage or even your promotions in your career. You've slowly become tired of it. 

Let me remind you something. It is in such moments we should be very careful. Our human mind would tend to do two things; and these two things are clearly mentioned in the verse we have read above - 1 Peter 5: 6. Our human mind, with its limited capabilities, will begin to depend on our own strengths. And it will slowly begin to forget how powerful our God is and how big and greater His plans for us are. But if you want God to lift you up when His right time comes, you need to be careful about these two. 

BE HUMBLE! At any point in your life, do not bring yourself to the forefront and do not depend on your own capabilities. But be humble and affirm that you are under the mighty guidance of God. Humble yourself in the presence of the Lord and among the people around you. Wherever you want God to lift you up, do not forget first to humble yourself there. And God loves it when you humble yourself. We must learn that when we humble ourselves before the Lord, we are totally trusting Him. We admit we are His creation and we display our faith on Him. Do not boast of your capabilities and talents amongst the people around you. Do not waste your time in trying to convince people that you are capable of handling higher stuff. But be humble, and acknowledge the mighty God who goes before you. 

BE UNDER GOD'S POWERFUL HANDS. As you humble yourself and wait on the Lord, you don't need to feel inferior, but you can put all your faith in God and remember how powerful He is. The history of the entire world reminds you, the creation around you testifies God's power. Your own testimonies and experiences would lead you towards this remembrance. You are under the hands of the Great Great God and you do not need to suffer. You know that it is going to be a happy and wonderful ending. And as you humble yourself and wait on the Lord, remember to always be under His hands, and surrender yourself under the powerful hands of God. There is nothing greater than His power. And there is nowhere a place that is this safe and calm to wait for the right time. 

When we humble ourselves and be under the powerful hands of God, He lifts us up. And God lifts us up when the right time comes. God takes us to heights that we would have never ever imagined of. And let us also remember that God has His own time; the right time! Not according to our hurried agendas and not even according to our own human plans, but according to God's greater plan for our lives. 

I pray that we would learn to humble ourselves in the midst of all the ambitions and dreams of our lives and acknowledge the power of God as we wait for the Lord to lift us up in His time. 

May God bless you.

Yours in Christ,

Global Reach of 'Weekly Devotions with Ebenezer'

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