Delight Yourself In The Lord

Delight yourself in the Lord;
And He will give you the desires of your heart.
(Psalm 37: 4)

For a long time, even though I had come across this verse in the Bible many times, I never got to contemplate on the real meaning of this phrase - "Delight yourself in the Lord." I was also aware that this phrase had a promise coupled with it. It was a promise of prosperity. It was a promise of dreams coming true. It was a promise of God giving the desires of our heart. The more that I understood the weight of the promise the more did I wanted to venture into the meaning of this phrase. 

The phrase fascinated me. It sounded to me that it had everything that I ever dreamt of, imagined of, aimed at, worked for becoming a reality and possibility. But this assurance was given with a condition, and that condition is a lifestyle. A lifestyle that delights in the Lord. This realisation led me to this question - "How can I delight myself in the Lord?" I am sure that the meaning that this phrase would bring into our lives would differ from person to person, depending on our surroundings and experiences. But the phrase "delight yourself in the Lord" has some definite requirements. 

For a very general understanding, the word "delight" brings in the thoughts of 'pleasing someone greatly.' While some of the versions of the Bible such as King James Version (KJV) proposes this word in its pure form - "delight thyself",  I found it to be insightful to see that versions such as New Century Version (NCV) present the same phrase as "Enjoy serving the Lord." I was thrilled to see the wide spectrum within which this phrase has been interpreted and applied in recent times. And, indeed, this wide coverage that this phrase enjoys led me towards a better understanding of this phrase. 

I am sure your personal understanding of the same would have more to add to this understanding. And yes, for me, right now where I am, and what I am doing at this stage of my life, the phrase "delight yourself in the Lord" meant a wholehearted and dedicated service to God while I continue to enjoy the wonderful love and surprises that the Lord showers upon me. And that's what the Psalm encourages us with. Be happy in your relationship with God. At every point in your life, remember to be delightful. Remember to please the Lord with whatever you do. Remember to celebrate His blessings in your life. Do not forget to live a closer life with Him that is Holy and acceptable in God's sight. May the Lord smile about you. May your life bring in that most precious expression in the Lord. May you feel good and content about what you have within God and yourself. Serve Him with all your heart. And then, all the promises that you could see through the lens of this verse Psalm 37: 4 becomes real in your life. 

I find this to be an all-assuring promise with an all-inclusive lifestyle that a Christian is called to live. And this is one way in which we see that our dreams, hopes, targets, aims and hard work finding meaning and completion. I encourage you too to think about this. I invite you to contemplate on this verse. How can you delight yourself in the Lord? What has to be changed? What has to be improved? What has to be corrected? List them out in your mind. Kneel down in God's presence. Begin a life that delights yourself in the Lord. Indeed, there are promises and assurances God has kept for you. May the blessings of God our Father, the love and grace of Christ Jesus the Son and the fellowship and guidance of the Holy Spirit be with all of us and guide us. 

May God bless you.

Yours in Christ,

"The steadfast love of the Lord..."

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