God's Faithfulness from 'Slave' to 'Master'

Then he sent a man ahead of them - Joseph, who was sold as a slave.
They put chains around his feet and an iron ring around his neck.
Then the time he had spoken of came, and the Lord’s words proved that Joseph was right.
The king of Egypt sent for Joseph and freed him; the ruler of the people set him free.
He made him the master of his house; Joseph was in charge of his riches.
He could order the princes as he wished.
    He taught the older men to be wise.
( Psalm 105: 16 - 22 )

Jacob's eleventh son Joseph is a familiar character for many of us. As a SundaySchool student, I only knew Joseph as an influential dreamer and remembered his dreams. But I can retrieve from my memory the grand and colourful "Egyptian Joseph" painted on the cover of the book that my father always used for the serious study on the life of Joseph. I grew up cherishing Joseph for the grandeur of that painting and not for the pillar of example his life had been for us until I reached my twenties. I also remember the day my father brought that same book and asked me to read, knowing I was joining the twenties club. Since then, Joseph became one of my favourites in the line of "Father Abraham" and "King David" in the Old Testament. 

I marvel at the life of Joseph for two reasons. One is his integrity towards God when he was still a  slave and the second is his adherence to responsibilities when he was later a master. In both phases of his life, Joseph was the same. Nothing could move him away from the fear and honour that he had for the Lord our God. No pleasure on earth could move him away from his heart's content that he enjoyed in the Lord. Even the primary drives of humanness could not hold him back from the extraordinary life of faith that he had decided to live with God. 

The more Joseph chose his integrity towards God over anything else, the more did he realise God's faithfulness in his life. God was with him throughout, and his fear of God kept him attached to the will of God. Joseph's choices took him into momentary troubles like being put in the well by his brothers, the hard and excruciating slave travel to Egypt, being sold as an object in the slave market, the imprisonment that followed by the incidents at Potiphar's house and more than anything, the long and faithful wait in the prison until God's plan for Joseph's life was finally realised.

At every point we realise, Joseph's choices led him into troubles. We also analyse and find that his opposite choices would have kept him safe and sound, enjoying all the pleasures of his youth. But let us remember since Joseph feared God, his choices even though led him into phases of troubles and despair, those choices were according to the will of God. Joseph's choices made him move not towards a safer place, but towards the greater and powerful positions God had prepared for him.

The beauty and grandeur of the relationship between God Almighty and Joseph is the endurance. Throughout his journey of life, from being a child dreamer to the overseer of Egypt, Joseph had such a strong faith to endure any pressure that came against him with the help of God. And, it is with this as the backdrop we are going to look at Joseph.

Joseph's integrity towards God even as a slave is one of those monumental characteristics that I admire in him. It was so easy for Joseph to find excuses as a slave. He had no one to care, except God. Nobody would have stood for him. He wasn't the hope of anyone. And when circumstances arose for him to sin, it would have been an easy attempt for Joseph. As a slave, he would have made use of the opportunities given to him. The expensive wealth that he was in charge of, the land that he should have misused, the wife of Potiphar who was always inviting to sin with her and even the routine absence of his busy master were all situations for Joseph to take advantage of. He was poor, literally, he had nothing and no one. He was a lost and insignificant slave in the booming and busy city of Egypt. So many avenues to go wrong! But, Joseph kept his integrity towards God. Through all these challenges he came out clean. He kept his walk steady with God.

Whatever the conditions and opportunities, the relationship between God and Joseph was like the two lines of the railway track. It did not move, it did not widen. It was steady. That was the integrity that God loved in him, and Joseph was rewarded with one of the highest posts in the hierarchical system of the 'famine-emergency project' in Egypt. God made Joseph meet people at the worst and most unbelievable circumstances (prison) which Joseph himself had no clue about. It was all the beautiful and wonderful plan of God. Slave-Prisoner-Master was God's route to save that region of the world and God's chosen people, the Israelites, from the great famine. Isn't that wonderful to realise?

Even as the Master of the House(Overseer) Joseph did not fail to adhere to the will of God. He
completed the responsibilities that he had to. As a young man, who had spent years in striving for this newly found freedom, it was much easier for Joseph to move away from the greater mission. Earlier he was not known as a slave and now he is not to be questioned by anyone as the master. This was the second vulnerable position for Joseph to fall. He was powerful, he had everything he needed, he was provided with all that human pleasures would strive for, but Joseph was looking at the avenues to do the responsibilities he was given. He partnered well in the mission of God. Imagine, after years of endurance and test of character, if Joseph would have gone irresponsible in his position, what a sad ending it would have been for Joseph. Isn't it great to see the image of God in Joseph in his benevolent forgiveness and acceptance that he gave to his brothers? The trouble that He took to care for the famine and to be the project executive of this entire calamity?

One of the most thrilling parts of understanding Joseph is this one big question that was lingering in my mind for so many years. And I thank God for leading me towards the answer in this Psalm 105. Why so many years of waiting? Why so many troubles? Why so much of endurance? Why such a long wait? I was reading the New Living Translation Bible, and found the verse 19 of Psalm 105 saying "Until the time came to fulfil his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character." It changed my whole perspective. I was able to realise the answers to all these questions. It was the wonderful faithfulness and the unfailing love of God that kept Joseph through all the tests. And isn't it wonderful that God when he found Joseph to be so true to Him in every way and had proved his character through all the tests in his life, He lifted Joseph to the highest honour in the same country in which he was earlier a slave?

Today, our God of faithfulness is calling you. He is inviting you to be one of His partners in the greater mission of serving through love. He is calling you to be a servant of integrity to serve Him. God is so faithful and when you are true to Him in all circumstances, He is sure to bless you and honour you with the greatest moments, relationships and gifts in your life. Wherever you are, whatever your condition and situation that is around you, do not fear. As long as you are true to God and mindful of the mission He has set before you, God is sure to show His faithfulness to you. May you be a good servant of integrity and adhere to the responsibilities God has put on you. Remember, the continuous struggles and tough situations, one after the other around you, are the little and big tests that God has on you to see how far you stand with Him and to make you strong so that you will stand firm as His servant in future.

May God bless you.

Yours in Christ,

Global Reach of 'Weekly Devotions with Ebenezer'

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