"Lazarus, Come Out!"

Passage to be read: John 11: 28 - 44

After Jesus said this, he cried out in a loud voice,"Lazarus, come out!" 
The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with pieces of cloth,
and a cloth around his face.
(John 11: 43, 44)

One of the most powerful words ever pronounced by 'flesh and blood' on this earth, I perceive. Something that changed the way the human history looked at probabilities. And. indeed, this powerful words were from the son of God, Christ Jesus. 
           "LAZARUS, COME OUT!"

Standing near a tomb which had a dead body of four days within it, and with a crowd surrounding him with the least hope for a miracle, Jesus brings the dead man out of the tomb by calling out his name. Truly amazing is our God.

Interesting to learn from the Gospel of John is that, when Jesus heard about the sickness of Lazarus, he knew it was the plan of God. Jesus says, "this sickness will not end in death. It is for the glory of God, to bring glory to the Son of God" (John 11: 4). And let us remember, that Jesus went all the way to the tomb, to fulfill God's plan. Jesus showed that the sickness was not ending in death, and God will be glorified and be known that He is God of life.

How wonderful was it for the sisters of this dead Lazarus; Mary and Martha. They heard the news that Jesus had come to comfort them. They did not have a clue about what an amazing day it was going to be for them. In her human weakness and grievance Martha said to Jesus, " Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you anything you ask" (John 11: 21,22). I wonder what Martha meant by what she said. Did she expect a miracle from God? Or, was she comforting herself by saying so? I think, Martha did something different. By saying so, she admitted that God is in control of this situation; God will provide what is needed. 

We know very well what happened, at last, when Jesus made it all the way to the tomb and cried so loud calling out the dead man's name. Lazarus, who was dead and buried for four days, came out of the tomb, proving that God gave him life in the midst of this darkness of death. 

I would like to take two important, life changing lessons for our understanding today. 

God is standing near you, and calling out your name, and is crying "come out!" Whatever the sickening situation it may be around you, whatever the tomb where you have been laid by the pressures of this world, God is able and He calls you. His calling to you this day is to come out of this darkness. He has a beautiful and blessed life for you, God assures that none of these pressures and sicknesses of this world could keep you within its hold. He calls your name saying "come out!" Whatever the tomb it might be, whatever the cloth of death and trap that is wrapped around you, you can still hear your saviour's call. He calls you by name, because He loves you and God is able to bring you back into this world with a life full of promises. It may be a tomb of sin, a tomb of fear and tomb of shame. God is calling you to come out.

The next thing that we learn is that, even after the death of her brother, and knowing that it is too late for anything miraculous to happen, Martha believed that God is in control of the situation. She admitted to Jesus that she believed that God is able to calm the storm and silence the thunder that was around her. And, God looked at her heart that was still hanging on to God's guidance. 

God answered her; and He answered her in a way that she never ever expected. Her brother came out of the tomb, alive! Today, whatever the hopeless situation of loss and grief it could be around you, trust in God, admit that He is able; that He is in control of your situation. Look what Martha said, even after four days of her brother's death. She said "but I know that even now God will give you anything you ask" (John 11: 22). Wow! Can we say that? Shall we admit that God is in control and even now God is able to do the impossible in our lives? Let's do that.

My dear friend in Christ, I pray that God will do the impossible in your life. I pray that you will listen to His call from whichever tomb you are and you will see His glory. I also pray that you will admit even in the worst circumstances of your life, that God is in control and He will lead. I am sure, there is something awaiting you; something that is impossible with humans but possible with God.

May God bless you.

Yours in Christ,

Global Reach of 'Weekly Devotions with Ebenezer'

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