A Faith that Asks, Searches & Knocks.

"Ask, and God will give to you. Search, and you will find. 
Knock, and the door will open for you. 
Yes, everyone who asks will receive. Everyone who searches will find. 
And everyone who knocks will have the door opened."
(Matthew 7: 7, 8)

There are moments in our lives when our faith needs to be refreshed. Our ears and hearts may have been hearing the same words time and again, and we may fail to make sense of these words of faith anymore - Ask, Search and Knock! But it is important to remember whether we make sense of them or not, these words are the same yesterday, tomorrow and forever. They have always had, and will have, the same power to change, uplift, deliver and make us marvel at the wonders of the unfailing love of God. 

So many of us expect greater things to happen in life, and that is good. But more than that expectation, our faith in God must keep us moving nearer and nearer to His wonderful love. And only by abiding what Jesus told us to do, this faith would lead us towards the realisation of God's marvellous blessings in our lives. And what did Jesus want us to do? It is surely not beyond what we could. It is something humanly possible. It is so practical. It is not only about the words but also about the action. And that's why Jesus encouraged us to do that. It is something to do with our words, mind and the body. - Ask, Search, Knock! - Express, be Assured It Is There, and Claim! 

Jesus says "Ask, and God will give to you." Do you know how powerful your words are? When God decided to make you in His image, He has already put that power in your words. What you named something became the name for it. Your words have the power to build someone, lift them up, crush them, break a heart and to make things happen. And with these words, in your lips or in your heart, ask! God knows what you want even before you ask Him. But when you ask, you are expressing your heart in front of God. Your asking becomes a testimony. Because it is then that you could say, "I asked the Lord and He gave me!" 

"Search, and you will find." When do people search for something? When they know it is there, but somewhere. That little hope keeps them moving with their search. The moment they lose faith in something, they stop searching for it. Isn't it? So is your search. In a Christ-filled life, your search is an expression of your continuing faith. The more you search, the more is your expression of faith. You know that you've asked for something, and you know God has kept it for you. But let your life of search express your faith. And I am sure that you will find. Our Father in heaven appreciates faith in His children. And your tireless faith-filled search will lead you towards the door where your promise is treasured. 

And the last part is the faithful claim. "Knock, and the door will open for you." Your tireless search in faith has finally led you towards the place where your promised blessing is. And you can see it there. Right before you. It is the greatest moment of the realisation of the faith you have been having right from the time you asked, through the seasons you searched and finally it is your time to claim the blessing. God has His wonderful timings. And your strengthened faith in the Lord will lead you towards the door. Knock! Knock at the door in faith! And Jesus, the door will open for you. The blessings that you have asked for and searched for is right there on the other side. In faith, you knock the door. And the door will be opened for you. The promised blessing is right there, for sure, because your faith had led you towards the right door. 

Today as you wait upon the Lord, asking Him to bless you with blessings that you have been praying for so long, I want you, my friend, to look back at your steps in faith. Have you asked God in faith? Have you expressed your heart to God? One day you need to testify God's graceful blessing in your life, remember. And if you had already asked for what you wanted, are you in search of that? What's happening to your search? Has your faith in what you asked faded away over the weeks and months, or is the search still on? Continue your search in faith. Let the search express that you are searching for the promised blessing which is somewhere there in the lifeline. And then, after this many days of searching and finding, what's that which is stopping you from knocking and claiming God's blessing. Until we reach the door, it is always the search. But when you decide to knock, it shows you are ready to claim it. Are you ready in faith to see the blessing God has kept for you? Knock and claim the blessing. 

I pray that the mighty presence of God will be in the midst of your life. May the faith that you have in the Lord our God move you in the walk of faith. Ask, Search and Knock in faith! May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit be with you and guide you. May you experience the marvellous wonders of God in faith. 

May God bless you.

Yours in Christ,

Global Reach of 'Weekly Devotions with Ebenezer'

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