The Ten Bridesmaids
Passage to be read: Matthew 25: 01 - 13
"So, while the five foolish bridesmaids went to buy oil, the bridegroom came.
The bridesmaids who were ready went in with the bridegroom to the wedding feast.
Then the door was closed and locked."
(Matthew 25: 10)
As a boy scout, I was always under one command; "Be Prepared!" It was not just an initial learning to be armed to face any situation at any given time, but it was also a teaching that reminded us that the moment would come any time! And yes. That's what this passage we have read above reminds us of.
A story told by Jesus, to teach his followers, how the kingdom of heaven will be like, 'at that time'. I just wondered at this last phrase. "At that time." Yes, that moment when this whole history of this humankind comes to an end. And the question is, how prepared are you?
Reading through the passage, time and again, we would feel the pulse responding to the rush of that minute. And look what is said in the story. Ten bridesmaids, keep watch in the night, waiting to receive the bridegroom who is expected any time. All fall asleep. And suddenly the announcement is heard that the bridegroom is on his way. And that's when five of those bridesmaids realise that even though they had lamps in their hands, there was not enough oil. And that's why they are referred to as "foolish." How sad that is. They try asking for a share from the ones who had their reserve oil, filled in jars, which was refused for an acceptable reason, and the foolish bridesmaids find themselves running from place to place, searching for the reserve oil, and ultimately end up missing that moment when the bridegroom arrived and finally had to stay outside the closed doors and regret for not being prepared that night.
How prepared are we for the day? Are we still waiting for the announcement, that says that the bridegroom is on his way? Let me remind you one thing. We are no more in the era of night watch. We are living in the times when the foolish bridesmaids were running from place to place. The announcement is already over! The bridegroom is on his way! "Jesus is coming soon."
We have to be connected to our loving Lord, every single hour, through each minute. We have to feel that adrenaline rush that makes you do things that were handed over to you. Because, you must be prepared. Your accounts on that day matters a lot. You need to give account of all that was handed over to you by our loving Lord. Have yourself prepared.
What was wrong with these five foolish bridesmaids? Where did they make that million dollar mistake?
One - They did not have themselves prepared for the night watch with the reserve oil in their jars.
Second - until the last moment, they did not realise that they would run out of fuel.
What an error!
I want to encourage you to be prepared. Let's keep watch on all that we do. Let our hearts not fade away. Let us be reminded of that moment when the Son of Man will come with all splendor and glory, and let that vision keep us burning. Let us be prepared to meet Him, so that we would enter with God into His Glory.
Jesus said, "So ALWAYS be ready, because you don't know the day or the hour the Son of Man will come." (Matthew 25: 13).